β-Lactam antibiotics: Definition, Mechanism and Types

Beta-lactam antibiotics are a class of antibiotics characterized by the presence of a beta-lactam ring in their molecular structure. This ring is crucial for its antibacterial activity as it interferes with the synthesis of bacterial cell walls, ultimately leading to bacterial cell death. Beta-lactam antibiotics are generally well-tolerated but can cause allergic reactions in some … Read more

Antibiotics: Historical background and Classification

INTRODUCTION Antibiotics, also known as antimicrobial agents, are medications that destroy or slow down the growth of other species of microorganisms. They include a range of powerful drugs used to treat diseases caused by bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes, etc. Or The term antibiotic originates in the word antibiosis (i.e. against life). Antibiotics are chemical substances obtained … Read more

GPAT 2024: Registration Dates, Admit Card, Eligibility, Pattern & Syllabus

The GPAT Exam 2024, administered by the National Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences (NBEMS), is a national-level test for admission to Pharmacy (PG) courses. The official exam dates for GPAT 2024 have been announced on the NBEMS website – natboard.edu.in. Scheduled for June 8, 2024, the GPAT exam requires candidates to have completed their … Read more


Bioisosters are substituents or groups with similar physical or chemical properties that produce broadly similar biological properties to other chemical compounds. The relation between bioisosteres is known as bioisosterism In drug design, exchanging one bioisoster for another enhances a compound’s desired biological or physical properties without making significant changes in chemical structure. For example Bioisosters … Read more

Drug metabolism or Bio-transformation

Drug metabolism refers to the biochemical processes by which the body chemically modifies pharmaceutical compounds to make them more water-soluble and easier to eliminate from the body. Here’s a breakdown of drug metabolism: A. Purpose of Drug Metabolism: Drug metabolism serves several purposes in the body: B. Sites of Metabolism: C. Phases of Drug Metabolism: … Read more

Stereoisomerism of drugs

Stereochemistry involves the study of the three-dimensional nature of molecules. It is the study of the chiral molecules. Conformational Isomers: Different arrangements of atoms that can be converted into one another by rotation about single bonds are called conformations. Rotation about bonds allows the inter-conversion of conformers. A classic example is acetylcholine, which can exist … Read more


The various physiochemical properties affecting the drug action are- 1. Ionization                            5. Protein bonding 2. Solubility                            6. Chelation 3. Partition coefficient             7. Bioisosterism 4. Hydrogen bonding              8. Stereoisomerism Ionization: It is necessary to know whether a molecule will be ionized at a given pH simply by knowing if the functional groups on the … Read more

Structure of Biological Membrane

The biological membrane (or cell membrane and plasma membrane) is a selectively permeable membrane that allows only certain substances to pass through it and acts as a barrier between the inner and outer surfaces of the cell. Cell membrane comprises lipids and proteins along with other living molecules, which participate in the normal functioning of … Read more


Medicinal chemistry roots can be found in the fertile mix of ancient folk medicine and early natural product chemistry, hence its name. As appreciation for the links between chemical structure and observed biological activity grew, medicinal chemistry began to emerge about 150 years ago as a distinct discipline intending to explore these relationships via chemical … Read more

Agonist and Antagonist

An agonist and an antagonist are two types of molecules that interact with receptors in the body, but they have opposite effects on the receptor and its downstream signaling pathways. Agonists: An agonist is a chemical that bind to a receptor and activates the receptor to produce a biological response. For example, Heroin, methadone, morphine … Read more

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Thanks for sharing this, you are awesome !