Chemical Properties of Aromatic amine

Aromatic amines, which contain amino (-NH2) groups attached to a benzene ring, exhibit various chemical properties. Here are some key chemical properties of aromatic amines:

1. Formation of amides: When aromatic amines react with acyl chloride, they produce benzylamide with the formation of amide linkage.

2. Formation of salt: When an aromatic amine is treated with hydrochloric acid (HCl), it results in the formation of benzeneaminium chloride.

3. Acetylation: When an aromatic amine is treated with acetic anhydride, it reacts to form acetanilide.

4. Carbylamine Reaction: When aniline reacts with chloroform and potassium hydroxide, it produces carbylamine.

5. Oxidation: When aromatic amines are oxidized in the presence of nitric acid, nitrobenzene is produced.

6. Sulphonation: Sulfuric acid reacts with aniline to form anilinium hydrogen sulfate. Upon heating, it produces sulphanilic acid.

7. Halogenation: When aniline comes into contact with halogens such as bromine and chlorine, it undergoes a reaction that results in the formation of 2,4,6-tribromoaniline.

8. Nitration: Nitration of aniline in a strongly acidic medium yields a mixture of o-nitroaniline, p-nitroaniline, and m-nitroaniline. Aniline’s -NH2 group, which has an ortho, para-directing effect, is present on the benzene ring.

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